Makaira Indica C Apps

Tes Kepribadian 3.0
aplikasi ini akan membantu anda untuk lebihmengenali siapa diri anda. Apa sebenarnya sifat anda, dan bagaimanauntuk memaksimalkan diri jika sudah mengetahuinya.anda cukup memberikan pilihan pada beberapa kalimat/argumen, laluanda akan tau siapa sebenarnya diri anda.This application willhelp you to better identify who you are. What exactly is yournature, and how to maximize yourself if it already simply give in a few sentences option / argument, then you willknow who the real you.
omojek 1.0
Omojek is a web application launcher fromthewebsite at helping Professional Taxi Base or anyone to join us.Expanding access to professional service-taxi and taxitransportusers,Food delivery service and Courier Between the document and thegoodsbeing run online in the town of Purwokerto and districtBayumas andsurrounding areas.e